Top Things You Should Know About Seeing a Gastroenterologist for the First Time

If you suffer from some type of digestive issue, or if you think it's possible that you might, then you might be thinking about scheduling an appointment with a gastroenterologist. If this is the case, then you really might not know what to expect. These are some of the things that you should know about seeing a gastroenterologist for the first time.

They're a Specialist

You might have always just scheduled an appointment with your primary care doctor when suffering from some type of digestive issue, and your doctor might have always been able to help. If your issue is a little more complex or serious, however, it might be better for you to see a specialist. After all, a gastroenterologist has gone through additional schooling about digestive issues in particular. You might need to get a referral from your primary care doctor so that you can schedule an appointment with a gastroenterologist, but your doctor should not have a problem with giving you a referral to a qualified gastroenterologist.

They Help With a Variety of Digestive Issues

You might be surprised by all of the different types of digestive issues that a gastroenterologist can help with. They can help with ulcers, Crohn's disease, cirrhosis of the liver, irritable bowel syndrome and much more.

They'll Probably Ask a Lot of Questions

When you meet with a gastroenterologist for the first time, you'll probably find that you will spend a lot of time just talking to your gastroenterologist about a variety of things. They will ask you a variety of questions, but this is all for a good reason: it allows them to get a better idea of your current health and the issues that you might be dealing with. They might ask a lot of specific questions about your digestive issues, but you shouldn't be embarrassed to give them honest answers; after all, this will help them treat you better. They might ask about seemingly unrelated medical issues, your family medical history and more. When they are asking questions, don't be afraid to ask them questions, too. 

They May Perform a Few Tests

Lastly, you should know that gastroenterologists perform various types of diagnostic tests to check for all sorts of digestive issues. They perform endoscopies, colonoscopies and other tests, for example. They might perform testing during your appointment, or they might schedule a separate appointment for you to return for any testing that they think might be needed. These tests can be great for finding digestive health issues that might need treatment.

Contact a medical practice like Ologist to learn more about gastroenterology. 
